
The Vedas, Shastras and Puranas all give definitive explanations about what is True, but still, realization of one’s True Nature does not take place – Chapter 7 Sub-Chapter 10 – Dasbodh

When I first moved to Somerville in October 2018, I met my house mate who was a visiting Sorbonne educated Economist from Galicia. He introduced me to wonderful Flamenco and Galician Celtic music as we both spent an enormous amount of time in the kitchen sharing our meals while exchanging our life stories and recipes.

One evening, while we were both preparing dinner, he had mentioned that the Spaniards expelled the Muslims from south of Spain, of which I hadn’t known due to generally not having studied any European history and in fact was surprised to learn about the prominence of Islam in Spain. Soon after my housemate departed for Paris permanently, my good old bookish friend from London wrote to me about Cecilia Twinch’s Know Yourself. Cecilia posits that the  Risalat al-ahadiya could have been written by either Ibn’ Arabi or Awhad al-din Balyani both of whom originate in Andalusia. I had first come across Ibn’ Arabi in my early twenties from Hakim Bey’s zines, who wrote in admiration of both Ibn’ Arabi and Henry Corbin but never had the chance to read him as the books did not exist in my neck of the woods at that time. It would have cost far too much to order them back then. I had naturally forgotten about the Sufis as I my interests took me to the South and East of Asia. I was glad to finally be able to get a glimpse of Ibn’ Arabi now over a decade later.

‘My saintly wife, Maryam bint Muhammad b.’Abdun, said, “I have seen in my sleep someone whom I have never seen in the flesh, but who appears to me in my moments of ecstasy. He asked me if I was aspiring to the Way, to which I replied that I was, but that I did not know by what means to arrive at it. He then told me that I would come to it through five things, trust, certainty, patience, resolution and veracity”Ruh al-quds & al-Durrat al-fakhirahSufis of Andalusia

It was refreshing to read about the formless from the Spanish/Damascus regions but I cannot say anymore as I do not know the formless. I do not know the one that is Alone.

Laks Indrakaran

Somerville, MA

2 responses to “Andalusia”

  1. Thank you for a richly woven tale of cultural exploration. I lived in Andalusia, or Al-Andalus as it was called long ago, for a few years. My home was in Granada, where Muslims ruled, peacefully it seems, for quite a while. Long after both Jews and Muslims were expelled some returned. More Muslims than Jews. When I lived there a mosque was in the making and there were many Morrocan teterías. Only 16 Jews though. I met one as I was studying Hebrew and Ladino in the University. She invited me (also Jewish) to meet the other Jews in celebrating shabbat. I wish I had.
    Later I studied the interweaving of Spanish and Arabic language, literature, music and culture. It’s amazing how much Spanish is rooted in Arabic. In the end we are all so connected with each other and all life.


    1. Hi Rebecca,

      Thank you very much for your kind comment. I am always surprised that anyone comes here. It was very good to meet you and thank you for sharing your wonderful journey in Spain. It is one of many places I still have not travelled to and fear that once I do arrive may not want to leave ever again.

      What particular Arabic literature did you study? Hope to see you at the next foray.


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